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Top 7 Things to See in the Vatican Museum!

The Vatican Museum is a collection of 26 museums, displaying a spectacular collection of over 70,000 pieces.

It will take more than a day to see every piece of art in the Museum, and impossible to achieve for most because of time constraints. 

Here is a list of the top 7 artworks in the Museum that you must visit if you plan to explore the Vatican Museum on a time crunch!

However, remember that, Vatican Museums is a paid attraction and you must have Vatican Tickets to enter and access all these amazing art pieces. 

Creation of Adam: Sistine Chapel 

The Creation of Adam fresco at the center of the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling is one of the famous artworks in the Vatican Museum.

Michelangelo Buonarotti depicts the Biblical story of the Creation of Adam.

It has inspired many philosophical studies and is also known for its perfect human composition and use of bright colors!   

Apollo Belvedere: Belvedere Courtyard

The Apollo Belvedere is a 7-foot-tall white marble sculpture depicting Apollo standing in a powerful pose after shooting his arrow at his enemies.

Its perfect human composition and brilliant craftsmanship only increase the beauty of this grand statue from 350 BC.  

The School of Athens: Raphael Rooms

The School of Athens fresco is one of the most popular Raphael artworks in the Museum, depicting a group of famous Greek and Roman philosophers like Plato and Aristotle.

It depicts the Age of Enlightenment in ancient Greece combined with the spiritual thinking of Christians.  

Nero’s Bathtub: Pio Clementino Museum

Nero’s Bathtub is the most expensive artwork in the Vatican Museum, expected to cost around $2 billion!

It was used by Nero and is made of purple porphyry marble, one of the most expensive materials in ancient Rome. 

Spiral Staircase: Pio Clementino Museum

Two spiral staircases are in the Pio Clementino Museum, the Bramante Staircase by Donato Bramante, and its modern replica at the exit by Giuseppe Momo. 

The herringbone pattern and double helix staircase, creating a divide in the staircase, are what makes them so popular. 

You can see its intricate spiral shape from the top, which is as beautiful as any art piece in the Museum. 

Laocoon and His Sons: Pio Clementino Museum

The terrifying statue of Laocoon and His Sons depicts the murder of a priest who warned the Romans against the wooden horse gifted by the Greeks.

It shows three people wrapped in snakes, dating back to 1506 from Rome. 

Entombment of Christ: Pinacoteca    

Caravaggio’s tragic painting of Jesus’ disciples and Mother Mary holding his body as it is brought down from the cross.

This emotional painting by Raphael brings tears to the eyes of all visitors with its dark colours and realistic human figures.